Key Accomplishments
Private enterprises, universities and client organizations that received assistance directly from MEAS
Granted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the “Modernizing Extension and Advisory Systems” (MEAS) project aims to improve the livelihoods of rural farmers in the world’s poorest nations by modernizing and strengthening their agricultural extension systems. The objective for MEAS is to define and disseminate good practice strategies and approaches to establishing efficient, effective and financially sustainable rural extension and advisory service systems in selected countries. Our goal is to help transform and modernize these extension systems, so they can play a key role in both increasing farm incomes and enhancing the livelihoods of the rural poor, especially farm women.
MEAS efforts in analysis, design, evaluation, and reform of rural agricultural extension services have led to improved services for 11,500,000 smallholder farmers.
Over 60 institutions and programs are using MEAS training modules and manuals and MEAS materials have been accessed online on over 270,000 times.
MEAS efforts from the past five years will continue to improve over 50 countries' agricultural extension and advisory services. See "Country Studies".

Dr. Paul E. McNamara

Andrea Bohn

Dr. Deborah Rubin

Dr. Kathleen Colverson

Dr. Sandra Russo

Dr. Mark Bell

Dr. Joyous Tata

Cristina Manfre

Dr. Brent Simpson