ASK ME Extension Framework
A. Audience and Needs
Audience analysis
Assessing needs
Choosing partners
Farmer meetings
Extension work groups
Focus group - using a seasonal calendar
Managing meetings effectively
Gathering secondary data
SWOC Analysis
Working with a translator
Building consensus
Conflict resolution
S. Solutions
Evaluating recommendations
Recommendation domains
K. Key Methods
Key message
M. Message Form and Delivery
Message Planning
Identifying extension options
Developing extension material
Action planning
Designing a farmers' workshop - with sample agenda
ICT application in extension
Message Development
Developing a knowledge bank
Creating fact sheets
PowerPoint readability
Creating posters
Persuasive writing
Video shooting tips
Making good fact sheets
Message Delivery
Training event checklist
Adult learning
Effective training
Preparing good learning objectives
Presentation skills
Structuring the agenda
Preparing the classroom
Farmer meetings
Identifying extension options
Field Demonstrations
Farm walk
Field demonstrations
Test strips for field demonstrations
E. Evaluation
Evaluation overview
Event evaluation
Checklist for impact