April 24, 2015


Agricultural extension uses a number of different terms to describe specific concepts and approaches.  Also, because there are different schools of thought about how agricultural extension systems should be organized and function, these different points of view can lead to interesting debates.  It is important to agree on the key functions, programs, and tasks that need to be carried out to achieve specific development objectives. Then, it will be much more straightforward to determine which organization(s) has a comparative advantage in carrying out specific programs, as well as how these activities should be organized and implemented.

Click this link for a list of acronyms used in the context of MEAS.

Please let B. Swanson swansonb@illinois.edu or A. Bohn andreabbohn@meas-extension.org know if you are looking for the definition of a term that you find relevant for the project but do not find it listed here. Ditto for any acronyms that are not defined.

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