Policy Compendium
The MEAS project collaborated with the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) to create the Policy Compendium, a tool that contributes to fill the gap between the RAS policy environment and RAS efforts in the field. It has two purposes. First, it provides easily accessible and understandable resources for those working on and advocating for an enabling policy environment for RAS. The Compendium provides background information, inputs, ideas, and hands-on guidance for decision-making and facilitation of successful policy processes for RAS. Second, the Compendium is also mutually linked to GFRAS’ efforts with regards to the Consortium on Extension Education and Training as well as to policy dialogues at regional and national level: While the Compendium will contribute to advocacy trainings and policy dialogues with background and learning materials, results from trainings and policy dialogues will feed back into the Policy Compendium, enriching it with up-to-date data for practitioners using it.
Involved stakeholders:
The GFRAS Policy Compendium was initiated by the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) with the help of the Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services (MEAS). It is financially supported by SDC, GIZ, and GFAR.