June 8, 2016

Strengthening Agriculture and Nutrition Extension Services Activity (SANE)


Strengthening Agriculture and Nutrition Extension Services Activity

The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Malawi’s Department of Agricultural Extension Services (DAES) to mobilize and work with service providers to deliver agricultural and nutrition extension and advisory services more effectively and in a coordinated manner in the Feed the Future Zone of Influence.




  • Result 1: Improve the policy environment, focused on government, donor, and NGO working relationships and how agriculture and nutrition gaps can be addressed by improved extension services through knowledge sharing.

  • Result 2: Strengthen coordination and capacity of extension service providers through building networks of decision-makers, implementers, and experts committed to addressing agriculture and nutrition linkages while also increasing the knowledge and skills of field-level extensionists.

  • Result 3: Increase connections between research institutions and extension service providers through addressing communication and knowledge gaps and facilitating networks across both entities.

Result 1

  • Facilitate participatory review of the current extension policy, in collaboration with DAES, agricultural and nutrition extension stakeholders, and male and female farmers.

  • Support the Malawi Forum for Agriculture Advisory Services (MaFAAS) to assume the role of the national stakeholder panel and to strengthen its advocacy capacity.

  • Assist DAES to develop and implement its nutrition strategy.

  • Provide training to strengthen the capacity to implement and operationalize the DAES System (DAESS) among agricultural and nutrition extension stakeholders.

  • Support District Stakeholder Panels to develop District Strengthening Plans that enhance quality implementation of the Agricultural and Nutrition Extension Policy.

Result 2

  • Provide training and support to strengthen the capacity of DAES to better coordinate agricultural and nutrition extension actors through the DAESS.

  • Engage district Stakeholder Panels to enable farmers to articulate their needs and demand accountability from service providers.

  • Promote modalities for ensuring harmonization of agricultural and nutrition extension messages and training approaches.

  • Provide capacity building to improve the capacity of extension workers to deliver agriculture and nutrition extension messages improved.

  • Support increased implementation of proven, effective, and efficient models for agriculture and nutrition extension outreach that increase quality and accessibility of services.

Result 3

  • Strengthen institutional linkages between extension service providers, research institutions, and farmers to ensure that practical action research focuses on learning critical to farmers’ emerging needs.

  • Develop the capacity of research organizations to support technology promotion and behavior change.